Bhargava Diagnostics

At Bhargava Diagnostics, We provide a complete solution of diagnostic testing services, offering rapid and accurate diagnosis with reports that are understandable and practical.

Bhargava Diagnostics provides Sonography (USG), X-ray and Pathology Services. Bhargava Diagnostics is a clinical diagnostics centre in Aligarh near you dedicated to comprehensive, high-quality and rapid response lab testing at affordable prices.

We are driven by a patient care philosophy to provide the best diagnostic experience by offering high-quality accurate tests at affordable prices to the public.

 UltraSound (3D/4D)

 FFD Mammography

 CT-Scan (Till 96-Slice)

 Digital X-Ray

Bhargava Diagnostics
Bhargava Diagnostics

Vision –

“Sarvetra sukhinah santu, sarve santu niramayah”

Which means that
May all be prosperous, happy, and free from the illness,
May all see what is a spirituality of uplifting
And no one should suffer.

Mission –

Promoting advanced diagnostic medical services that can be useful to the whole society, contributing to the advancement of local healthcare.

Objectives –

Practicing multi-disciplinary diagnostic care by closely collaborating with doctors & other medical professionals. Promoting medical cooperation between clinicians, hospitals & patients. Improving primary care for all sections of the society & supporting the clinicians to provide holistic medicine to the patients.

Our Doctors Are High-Level Professionals

Best of machines to do the testing with excellent team of Doctors and Technologists to give you an accurate and reliable report.
our doctors