
An X-ray or Radiograph is the most widely used imaging method to visualize structures inside your body. It is a simple, pain-free & quick test. These invisible rays pass through the body & are absorbed by various structures depending on their density. As a result, dense structures such as bones & teeth appear white while the air in the lungs appears black. Other structures appear as various shades of grey.

If you could pin X-rays down on a piece of paper and measure them, you’d find their wavelength (the distance between one wave crest and another) was thousands of times shorter than that of ordinary light. That means their frequency is correspondingly greater. And because the energy of electromagnetic waves is directly related to their frequency, X-rays are much more energetic and penetrating than light waves as well. So here’s the most important thing you need to remember: X-rays can travel through things that ordinary light waves can’t because they’re much more energetic.

X-rays are types of electromagnetic radiation probably most well-known for their ability to see through a person’s skin and reveal images of the bones beneath it. X-rays are a kind of super-powerful version of ordinary light: a higher-energy form of electromagnetic radiation traveling straight at the speed of light.


You have to undress part to be examined. You may be given a gown during the X-ray. Remove all jewelry & any other metallic object as they may obscure part to be examined.
X-ray technicians will position your body to obtain the necessary views. It is important to stay still & hold your breath to avoid blurry images.
X-rays are stored digitally on computers & can be viewed. A radiologist interprets your X-ray & gives a detailed report.